Available – Amazon Prime

Time – 1 hr 56 m

Age – 7+

Genre – Drama

Recommendation – Definitely watch



Some movies you can watch again and again. This is one of them.

The movie just flows… emotions, excitement, passion, commitment, dreams, real family, acquired family and determination. Actually, determination is too small a word for young Jay Moriarty, whose sole dream (yes, he believes he was put on earth to do just one thing) is to ride the mavericks. Mavericks are the biggest waves on Earth – 25 ft to 60 ft.

So as a child he loved surfing and then one day he realizes that the biggest waves in the world are almost in his neighborhood. But riding them is not child’s play. It takes training. So, in comes his friend and mentor Frosty Hesson, who teaches him to survive the waves, only because he doesn’t want Jay’s death on his conscience.

What starts out as training relationship develops into something more. Jay learns a lot of life lessons along the way. In one of the scenes Frosty talks about the four foundation pillars of surfing.

Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength.

But they are true for life too, aren’t they?

There are some really emotional and poignant moments in the movie, fine pearls of wisdom, light hearted banter. Jonny Weston as Jay is superb. His golden curls and tanned face make you fall in love with him. But it is the sincerity with which he has acted that is so endearing. And then there is Gerard Butler as Frosty. Both have a beautiful chemistry.

I loved this movie and have watched it alone and then with my son, so twice already. And may watch it again sometime in the future.

The best part is that, this is a biographical film. Jay Moriarty was an American surfer who became the youngest man to surf the mavericks at the age of 16. And tragically died at the age of 22. Claimed by the sea from whence he had come.


Lead Image Courtesy – Amazon.com

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