Language – English
Published by – The Hive
Pages – 294

Most of the time you write a story and that’s the end of it. You can then pick up the characters and stuff them in a box and relegate them to a shelf in your mind.

But, once in a while, these characters clamor around and create such a din that it forces you to open the box, peep in, and demand, ‘What?’

That’s when you realize, you were done with them but apparently, those characters were not done with you. And that’s exactly what happened to me. The brothers, all seven of them, jumped up and down, demanded I take them out of the box and give them more.

So, that’s exactly what I did. I fleshed them out, gave them more dialogues, and highlighted their behavior and attitudes. And, the best part, I too got something in return. I got the opportunity to write a ‘chapter’ short story, something I had never done before.

Hence this time they ‘Rightfully Earned’ their place in this awesome anthology titled ‘Tea with a Drop of Honey’ published by The Hive, a platform dedicated to publishing anthologies of short stories, a category typically underestimated by traditional publishers. Being ardent readers of short stories, they realized that there was a dearth of good anthologies out there. So, for the love of storytelling, they decided to co-create The Hive, a non – traditional publishing collective, focusing at this point only on anthologies.

I hope you enjoy reading about their trials and tribulations and ultimate triumph.

Here is an excerpt from the story ‘Rightfully Earned’ –


Chapter One: The Struggle

A long-long time ago.

‘Arrgh! Lazy dullards, they’ll ne’er learn,’ muttered Mrs. Week. ‘Just eatin’ an’ sleepin’, the whole lot of ‘em. And always bickerin’; no one ‘ll ever believe they’re brothers. Born we’re peasants and ‘ll die such,’ she complained. ‘Such ‘opes I ‘ave for ‘em,’ she rued, shaking her head, ‘The King ‘ll rule and we’ll till.’

She turned to her husband and jabbed him on the shoulder when she realized, he wasn’t paying any attention to her rant. ‘Listen ‘ere mister…’ she said threateningly.



Testimonial from the publisher – The Hive – Some stories take us to a different world- be it the setting or the characters. They are fun, cute, and thoroughly entertaining. Rightfully Earned is one such story written by Shweta Singh in Tea with a Drop of Honey.


You can purchase the book from Amazon, to read the complete story and to read the other stories in this book and do share your review. Tea with a Drop of Honey eBook : Hive, The: Kindle Store

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