Language – English
Published by – The Archaic House
Pages – 204
Price – ₹ 241 paperback / ₹ 0 on Kindle Unlimited or ₹149 to buy
I am honoured to be a part of this anthology called ‘ Arising From The Dust’. I get to share the pages with 31 awesome writers who have written stories and poems on such eclectic topics and created this fabulous, diverse and vibrant patch quilt. Each patch is coloured and textured by our life experiences. And the one common thread that runs through them is the never die spirit of each protagonist.
Credit goes to Meera Bharat for conceptualizing and compiling this anthology. Her enviable energy and zeal had propelled her on this journey. And along the way some really illustrious and talented writers became her travel partners.
Here is an excerpt from my story ‘Grit and Determination’ –
‘Yes, life was very tough. We had no money and very little food. There was a government school where there were no teachers. But children used to go there as they could play. I also went to play. We grew up doing that. It was by chance that an NGO came to help during the famine. There was no water and these people brought water. When they were free, all of us used to play cricket. The head man of the NGO was very impressed and wanted to meet my father. He told my father to bring me to Mumbai.’
You can purchase the book from Amazon, to read the complete story and to read the other stories in this book and do share your review.