He poured his hatred on my face
To save my life, it was a race
Mine was not the only case
My life was lost, without a trace.
For justice now, the voices strain
And I rose from the ashes again
This is now, an unbreakable chain.
They thought I was a body to use
For days and nights, they did abuse
To a ragged shell, they did reduce
Better to bury, did they deduce.
For justice now, the voices strain
And I rose from the ashes again
This is now, an unbreakable chain.
Happily, I entered, into a marriage new
The venom of ‘no dowry’, did they spew
Atrocities, and not love was all that grew
Till my spirit, left my body and flew.
For justice now, the voices strain
And I rose from the ashes again
This is now, an unbreakable chain.
How long will ashes, be my fate?
How long for dignity, will I wait?
Isn’t tomorrow, not too late?
Title Image Credit – ivabalk from Pixabay