So, Fable, Juhu it was. A celebration needs a special place, isn’t it? What were we celebrating? Well, life and health in general and daughter’s good marks in particular. So, the celebration had to be her style. She is a big fan of continental breakfast and The Fable was on our list of try-outs.

It is a nice ‘XL’ size restaurant, with covered veranda seating as well as your regular AC seating. A bright beautiful winter morning needed to be enjoyed out in the open. The play of the sunlight on the table was enticing. They have chapter-wise menu, so cute, and I bet an endearing point for all us writers out there. So, for breakfast only Chapter 1 is served. Though as I perused the menu, I was loving how the other chapters were shaping up. Will go back to finish the story…hmm…The Fable.

Which brings me to the wall in the restaurant that is covered with books. Yes! Actual books, stappled to the wall, all yellow with the passage of time and covered with words and now I am sure infused with the aroma from the dining area. There is a quirky book lamp and cozy corners with books to read. Though they are changing their décor in March-April. Perhaps will go back in May after their renovation.

Now, lets get down to Chapter 1.

Oh! The words were mouthwatering and we couldn’t wait to have them materialize in front of us.

The drinks arrived first. And you can see from the pic, they look so tempting. We had ordered Power Smoothie, Banana & Salted Caramel, Cold Coffee with Ice cream and fresh Orange Juice. Except for the power smoothie which I think was a little bit more than he, my son, could chew…err…I mean drink, all the other drinks were spot on.

Then we went a bit overboard and ordered six different dishes. And believe me we managed to wipe out most of them.

Quinoa & Cottage Cheese Salad with loads of Avocado. I don’t know what the fuss is about avocado, it tastes nothing…but has a lot of health benefits, so pair it with something that has taste and you can eat it almost with out knowing it, save for its weird soft texture. The salad was good and wholesome. The only element that was bland and I didn’t enjoy were the kidney beans.

So, the reason for our celebration ordered Banana & Nutella Crepe. And she swore they were awesome. The chunks of peanut chikki added to the crunch.

Egg Shakshuka was for sunny boy. The sunny side ups were perfectly cooked and the shakshuka which looks so much like pav bhaji was so flavorful.

Hubby ordered Mumbai Masala Omelett. You can’t go wrong with them, and neither did fable. The hash were crispy and every one wanted more than the one fourth they got.

I ordered Mushroom Medley Crepe. For one, no one likes mushroom in the family so I don’t get an opportunity to enjoy them. Second, been a long time since I had savoury crepe. To say that the filling was yum would be an understatement. It was mildly spiced and cheesy. By the end of it I could feel the cheese somersaulting in my stomach, not used to eating so much cheese in one go anymore. Moreover if you like your food to be spicy give this one a miss. But I really enjoyed it.

Still all of us wanted two to three more bites (I know, I know…you would think we were just about ready to burst by now) but you can always make space for Do Minutewala Veg Maggi. It was yummmmm…What’s not to like in Maggi, right?

That was one of the most satisfying meals I have had. All four of us were stomach-stuffed and heart-happy 🙂 . I am definitely going back again, to try the other chapters.

PS: They have valet parking. Bonus points.


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