


That day is here, the one I dreaded

Here I stand alone and you lie down.

The nights are going to be solitary now

Where I stay awake and you lie in eternal sleep.

Today is the day I lay you to rest,

But alas! There will be none for me.

As I arrange your favorite yellow tulips

Their radiance pales next to your smiling picture.

As I gaze at your restful visage

There is tumult in my heart.

The warmth that had cocooned me

As a child, is cold now.

It was you & I against the world

I stand alone now unprotected

No! No, I won’t eulogize you,

That would make it real.

I will frame you in my heart

You were my whole family.

So, no eulogy, no, no eulogy for you…


Lead Image Courtesy – Alexey Chudin from Pexels

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